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Research from NSF's Center for Sustainable Polymers based at UMN is featured. University researchers develop sustainable petroleum-like liquid for plastics and parts 23: 6Park.News/Minnesota Minnesota's Transportation Research Blog UMN professor in civil, environmental and geo- engineering, Jia-Liang Le, is quoted. Innovative materials and technologies for sustainable pavement infrastructure UMN's bachelor degree in aerospace engineering and mechanics is mentioned. UMN's Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics is mentioned. StarWatch: The morning star shines brightly Researchers in UMN's College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Science and Engineering conduct the extensive literature search on known technologies. SHIC-Funded infectious aerosols biocontainment project provides initial results UMN visiting assistant professor in physics and astronomy, Michael Rutkowski, is quoted. James Webb's Telescope: “We will see things that no one has thought about before” 27: Addict O Tweet Biz News Post Check and Shake Daily Illinois Forbes Kitimi TodayUKNews Turn and Turn Tycoon Herald TodayUKNews UMN alumnus in electrical engineering who developed the world’s first cardiac pacemaker and founded Medtronic, Earl E. 27: Swine Academy Ĥ Reasons why unicorn foundations should be built in high school

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UMN associate professor in biproducts and biosystems engineering, Erin Cortus, is interviewed. Erin Cortus: Sustainability - different measurements and what producers can do to improve The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute and UMN research are mentioned. Minnesota among the top states for COVID variant screening UMN alumna in computer science, Sarah Westall, is featured. Sarah Westall - Courageous reporting on topics that matter UMN research conducted by CIDRAP and by the Department of Mechanical Engineering is mentioned. What masks should we use with the one that is falling? What if the FFP2s drown me? UMN professor in electrical and computer engineering, Ned Mohan, is a recipient of the 2021 IEEE James H. UMN research led by associate professor in mechanical engineering, Jiarong Hong, is mentioned. UMN postdoctoral researcher in biomedical engineering Jules Anh Tuan Nguyen's podcast on AI research allowing amputees to control prosthetics is highlighted. Dec. 31: Kanabec County Times ĪI Podcast Wrapped: Top five episodes of 2021 Minnesota Starwatch, a service of UMN's Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics in Tate Laboratory, is mentioned. Earth reaches fastest orbital speed in January

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